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Brasílica was the first language spoken in Brazil, Tupi. It started with the indigenous and started to be spoken by the Portuguese and other foreigners who came. It was the language of communication in Brazil until the 18th century. In the 19th century it evolved into Nheengatu ("good speak"), an indigenous language that still exists today in the Amazon. At that time, Portuguese was the language of communication and had many indigenous and African words, which didn't exist in Portugal. For this reason, Brazilian Portuguese came to be called Brasílica language, differentiating itself from Portuguese spoken in Europe.

Today, the name Brasílica language is no more used, but those who learn with Brasílica Cursos learn Brazilian Portuguese, without nhenhenhém (from Nheengatu , "repetitive and monotonous way speaking").

With me you learn to speak Portuguese objectively, dynamically and with incredible stories!

Liked? Come meet me!



With the materials of Brasílica Cursos, you get to know a Rio de Janeiro you've never seen, close to nature. A historic and current Rio.

Come and find out!

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Talk to me.

Hi. I'm Débora Guerra, Portuguese Language Teacher and Researcher (PhD) (UERJ). With me you can have the best experience in learn Brazilian Portuguese. I also have e-learning approaches experience. I have been a teacher for more than 10 years. Join me! Let's go! 

Contact me in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


Regular course


This course is ideal for you who want to learn Portuguese following regular levels of proficiency. It is divided into 6 modules and you can learn in medium or short time. Study at your own pace. Pretty cool, do you not think?

Mommies and daddies, this course is also appropriate for your child. Come check it out.


Cheguei no Brasil em 2008 e em 2009 comecei o curso com a professora Débora. Foi uma experiência muito legal, com ela que eu aprendi a construção das frases em português. No curso de português para estrangeiros que eu realmente comecei a melhorar o meu português. E graças aos cursos que eu fiz com a professora Débora, eu consegui ser intérprete de francês-português para os refugiados oriundos da África francófona e também consegui passar numa prova pública (concurso). Sou muito grato por tudo que eu aprendi com a professora Débora. 

— Charly Kongo, Democratic Republic of Congo. Interpreter at Cáritas/RJ.

Brasílica Cursos

Português sem nhenhenhém



I am a school specialized in teaching Brazilian Portuguese to Foreigners. I was created by Débora Guerra, your private teacher. I have several types of courses. All are designed in packages of 30 hours and have a communicative view of the language. With me you speak Portuguese since the first class. The courses are appropriated for online and face-to-face teaching (Rio de Janeiro) for all ages. I was born in 2020, but my creator has more than 10 years of experience. She understands your needs and offers exclusive classes for you.

Send her an email.

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